The GRF-Gelée Royale Française® label

GPGR is the holder of the GRF-Gelée Royale Française® label. This label is the fruit of several years of concertation, endeavour and strategic thinking by the organisation’s apiarists as to the best way of differentiating their produce from imported jelly. As is the case with all labels, it comprises a logo (that has evolved over time) and quality standards. GPGR members are currently the only producers worldwide to abide by such stringent measures encompassing the entire production process: from the hive to packaging.

The first argument enabling differentiation from imported produce was obviously French origin as well as guaranteed traceability: thanks to a unique pot number, producers can easily be traced.

The next undertaking was to set out the rules to be abided by with regard to our jelly hives. It was agreed that during the entire production period and solely in the event of necessity, our jelly colonies should only be fed with honey and/or pollen. It ultimately came to light that this requirement has consequences on the quality of the product: sugar given as a supplement during production changes the chemical balance of the sugar in the jelly that is produced. It is with regard to this specific distinction that the ISO standard was able to establish the characteristics of type 1 and type 2 jelly . . It should be noted here that the French AB organic label authorises this practice (for the label only if the survival of the colony is at stake) as do other French producers: in this case, jelly is characterised as type 2 according to the ISO international standards.

Production must comply with ethical practices both from the standpoint of bees and the environment: toxic products used for the protection of hives, smoker fuels and so forth must be chosen accordingly, thus guaranteeing that harmful products are kept out of the jelly. Furthermore, should a colony require treatment, it is excluded from the production process so as not to contaminate the jelly with veterinary products.

Preservation of the product is another distinctive criterion. GRF-Gelée Royale Française® label royal jelly remains in its original state. GRF-Gelée Royale Française® label jelly is exactly the same as what you would find in the hive itself: it undergoes no freezing, transformation/mixing (with honey, ginseng…), freeze-drying (dried jelly in vials) prior to sale. The product is stored at temperatures between +2 and +5° C with a shelf-life of 18 months after its production date and 12 months after the date at which it is packaged into pots.

Website created with financial support from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the European Union (FEAGA) and FranceAgriMer

  • FranceAgriMer
  • Région Rhone Alpes