Interacting with GPGR

Apart from our main goal which is to achieve high-quality production and help new beekeepers establish themselves, we seek to bolster awareness of our organisation and interact with our peers.

We are thus regularly present at apiary exhibitions or general public events to put across our message as audibly as possible. It is of the utmost importance that consumers know what they are purchasing as is the case for our apiarist peers.

We also wish to make our voice heard in the agricultural world at large because although royal jelly production is relatively small scale, it has proven exemplary in the way it has stood up to fierce competition. We keep on going to develop the association and to work with other organisations like ADA's net, or government services againt fraud for example.

Moreover, we would like to prove to foreign apiarists that is it possible to produce royal jelly while establishing interaction and relations with other national networks. We had the opportunity to meet members of the COPAIT in Italy and during our general meeting who are gradually developing and bolstering their know-how thanks to our expertise. Technical tools like handbook or training formation has been developed : the first one contains english and spanish traduction, the second has english subtitles (order form).We are also asked to carry out training in other countries. Furthermore, we travel abroad and attend international meetings focusing for instance on establishing ISO standards. We do our utmost so that our unique profession and production is both recognised and held in high esteem.

Finally, our general meeting takes place at the beginning of December each year, which is an opportunity to foster ties that often extend beyond formal professional boundaries. For three days, we interact, debate and strive to bolster and ascertain the vitality and future of our organisation.

Website created with financial support from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the European Union (FEAGA) and FranceAgriMer

  • FranceAgriMer
  • Région Rhone Alpes